The organs of the digestive system, the heart and the brain are formed by neuronal cells, neurons, and emit signals but in different ways and meanings:
The neurons in the stomach send intuitive instinctive signals: the famous “gut feeling” that tells us that “something important is coming up” (either pleasant or bad).
However, the “butterflies in the stomach” always mean that something is going to happen in the near future and that we will have to deal with some new situation any time soon.
The neurons in the heart also send signals to us, associated with feelings we have about someone or a situation that is occurring with us. Our heart is able to reveal whether something is good or bad.
The feelings coming from the heart are more refined and allow us to know more precisely what is going on inside us. It tells us about emotions and feeling we may have and that relates with something or someone in our lives.
The brain’s neurons receive this information and try to find a logic, using its cognitive reasoning ability to associate our sensations with situations that we have already been through and help us find solutions and plan action strategies.