Energy clearing

It is possible to clean, balance and remove negative energetic manifestations from the physical body, aura, emotional and mental body using Multidimensional Therapy and Thetahealing In multidimensional therapy, teams of light beings help to release negative energy from all parts of our Being. This negative energy can be the result of some blocked emotion or manifestation in the physical, such as diseases, limiting thought patterns … In Thetahealing we use the energy from the creative source for this cleaning. There are also cases of alien implants, chips, obsession or astral entity / parasite / larvae or other forms of negative energetic manifestation. In addition there are negative energies that can come from past lives, trauma, contracts … We use these therapies to open and release the layers of the energy body to an unprecedented level. The main focus is to clear the negative energy in our lives that prevents us from really knowing ourselves and realizing the purpose of our life. Whether through consultation or the TM course, we can receive cleanings that can help in the liberation of our Being during this time of great awakening and expansion of human consciousness.
