Heart Center and Multidimensional Therapy

chakra do coração

Our heart chakra is a multidimensional chakra that is connected to our soul and therefore brings us Wisdom and connection with all that we are in essence. The heart chakra has an emotional dimension as well as a spiritual dimension. It is also linked to our neurons, our DNA in the pineal gland.

The heart chakra is therefore associated with our development and evolution. Our heart chakra still has a multidimensional heart chakra in our being in the 5th dimension, 5d, reality, connected to it, and this connects us to our Being in the Fifth Dimension and other higher dimensions (up to the 12th dimension). It was through the heart chakra that Helene Abiassi, creator of the Multidimensional Therapy technique, channeled information from Heart Therapy through the Beings of Light.

It is through the heart chakra that we can receive messages, advice and signs from other dimensions of this universe and be in contact with angels, guides, spiritual mentors, ascended masters, beings of light, kingdoms of other dimensions, other realities, other worlds, civilizations stellar … and then we can also receive help from these evolved and advanced beings for our ascension and growth.

The blockage in the heart chakra can be caused by trauma, contracts, emotional pain, negative emotions … This often leads people to limit themselves to emotions, to lose confidence, to be sad and to deprive themselves of feeling the magic of love. Using positive afformations can help with these potential blocks and heal your heart chakra.

Examples: “Why do I choose love and compassion?”, “Why do I love myself unconditionally?”, “Why am I open to love”, “Why do I forgive others?”, “Why is it safe to accept the love of others?” This helps to calm emotions and promote emotional and heart chakra healing ♥ ️
